Dear Georgia Overlanders,
On February 1st 2010, nearly nine years ago, I launched the Georgia Overland site with my first post. Fifty thousand visitors later and I'm heartened that building something for (what I could only assume was) an audience of one resonated with so many others. It's quite humbling to see 'The Georgia Traverse' mentioned across all manner of travel and adventure forums, your Instagram posts with a fantastic diversity of vehicles and people having a great time exploring our beautiful state and the expertly-crafted YouTube videos that so many of you invested the time to shoot, edit and publish so that others could have a sense of the North Georgia experience. I would like to express my gratitude to the community. I built a site and YOU created a community. That's awesome to witness. Thank you. Over the coming months, on this blog and the Georgia Overland Facebook page, I will introduce you to several friends, contributors, supporters and allies. I hope you find their stories and companies as interesting as I have. Safe travels, David Giguere Comments are closed.
February 2020